Common GitHub action which I use commonly.
DockerHub Bumper (dockerhub-push.yml)
| Name | Input Data Type | Default | Input Type | Mandatory? | Description |
| `DOCKERHUB_USERNAME` | string | - | secrets | ✅ | Dockerhub Username |
| `DOCKERHUB_TOKEN` | string | - | secrets | ✅ | Dockerhub Password/Token |
| `IMAGE_TAG` | string | $:latest | inputs | ❎ | Tage for image |
| `PLATFORMS` | string | linux/amd64,linux/arm64,linux/arm64/v8 | inputs | ❎ | Platforms to build for |
| `FILE` | string | DockerFile | inputs | ❎ | DockerFile to use for building image |
Github Cleaner(Tags/Releases/Workflows) (github-cleanup.yml)
| Name | Input Data Type | Default | Input Type | Mandatory? | Description |
| `GH_TOKEN` | string | - | secrets | ✅ | [Github Token][GH-TOKEN] |
| `GITHUB_REPOSITORY` | string | $ | inputs | ❎ | Github Repo to cleanup workflow runs |
| `RELEASE_CLEANUP_PATTERN` | string | [\s\S]* | inputs | ❎ | Release patterns to delete. (Remove everything by default) |
Github Action Workflow run Cleaner(github-release-tag-cleaner.yml)
| Name | Input Data Type | Default | Input Type | Mandatory? | Description |
| `GH_TOKEN` | string | - | secrets | ✅ | [Github Token][GH-TOKEN] |
| `RELEASE_CLEANUP_PATTERN` | string | [\s\S]* | inputs | ❎ | Release patterns to delete. (Remove everything by default) |
Github Action Workflow run Cleaner(github-workflow-cleaner.yml)
| Name | Input Data Type | Default | Input Type | Mandatory? | Description |
| `GH_TOKEN` | string | - | secrets | ✅ | [Github Token][GH-TOKEN] |
| `GITHUB_REPOSITORY` | string | - | secrets | ✅ | Github Repo to cleanup workflow runs |
(Linter (python-linter.yml)
| Name | Input Data Type | Default | Input Type | Mandatory? | Description |
| `CACHE_DEPENDENCY_PATH` | string | `requirements.txt` | inputs | ❎ | Path(s) to requirements file. |
| `PYTHON_VERSION` | string | `3.x` | inputs | ❎ | Python Version to Use. |
Precommit Updater (python-precommit-updater.yml)
| Name | Input Data Type | Default | Input Type | Required? | Description |
| `GH_TOKEN` | string | - | secrets | ✅ | [Github Token][GH-TOKEN] to raise Pull Request. |
| `CACHE_DEPENDENCY_PATH` | string | `requirements.txt` | inputs | ❎ | Path(s) to requirements file. |
| `PYTHON_VERSION` | string | `3.x` | inputs | ❎ | Python Version to Use. |
Telegram Uploader (telegram-uploader.yml)
| Name | Input Data Type | Default | Input Type | Mandatory? | Description |
| `TELEGRAM_API_ID` | number | - | secrets | ✅ | API ID from [Telegram][TELEGRAM-TOKEN] |
| `TELEGRAM_API_HASH` | string | - | secrets | ✅ | API HASH from [Telegram][TELEGRAM-TOKEN] |
| `TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN` | string | - | secrets | ✅ | Bot Token from [Telegram][BOT-TOKEN] |
| `TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID` | number | - | secrets | ✅ | CHAT ID from [Telegram][CHAT-ID] |
| `TELEGRAM_STICKER_ID` | string | - | secrets | ❎ | Projects default sticker. |
| `CHANGELOG_GITHUB_REPOSITORY` | string | $ | secrets | ❎ | GitHub Repo for changelog URL. |
| `DOWNLOAD_GITHUB_REPOSITORY` | string | $ | secrets | ❎ | GitHub Repo to download assets for upload. |
| `ASSETS_PATTERN` | string | .* | secrets | ❎ | Regex pattern for GitHub assets.Upload everything |
| `MESSAGE` | string | New Release(s)🥳 See Changelog `CHANGELOG_GITHUB_REPOSITORY` | secrets | ❎ | Message which will be sent before uploading assets |
VirusTotal Scan (virustotal-scan.yml)
| Name | Input Data Type | Default | Input Type | Mandatory? | Description |
| `GITHUB_TOKEN` | string | - | secrets | ✅ | [Github Token][GH-TOKEN] to edit Release info. |
| `VT_API_KEY` | string | - | secrets | ✅ | Virus Total API Key. |
| `FILES` | string | - | inputs | ✅ | Files to Scan. |
| `REQUEST_RATE` | number | 4 | inputs | ❎ | Rate Limit for Virus Total API. |